– How many cartridges do we have left?
– Two. I think we will be able to kill several … if they get into the line.
H/f "Zombies named Sean"
Dead Riding 2 is one of those games at the sight of which adult men turn into young children. Eyes burn with enthusiasm, hands tremble, and uniform madness is happening on the screen. The protagonist beats zombies with billiard kim, rides around the shopping center on a three -wheel bicycle and is chasing psychopaths in a superhero costume. In Dead Ring 2, I want to try absolutely everything, but how to meet the miserable seventy -two hours allotted for a bloody bacchanal?..
The invasion of a zombie is always a holiday for fun and pharmaceutical companies. As it usually happens, everything happened suddenly: after the next release of the “This Cruel World” show, which is based on colorful murders of zombies, someone released the living dead from cells, and they flooded the streets of the town with the modest name of Fortune. They gobbled up most of the population, filled casinos and supermarkets and scattered around the neighborhood in search of new victims.
The main character – the professional motorcycle racer Chuck Green – was one of the participants in the show. He dissected in the arena on a motorcycle and cut a zombie with a saw on a fun to the public on the go. The proceeds went to the purchase of medicines to the little daughter of Katy – the girl bit the zombie, and without them she could replenish the ranks of the stray dead.
When it all started, Chuck and Katie managed to get to the shelter before his very closure. The security officer honestly warned that the military would arrive only in three days and until then he would have to survive themselves.
In addition to all the troubles of Green, they declared an enemy of the people: someone took off on camera how he allegedly released a zombie from cells. So for seventy -two hours he will not only fight off the invasion, but to restore his good name and punish the perpetrators.
Chuck and bat are in a hurry to help
First of all, Chuck drives the need to extract medicines – a daughter needs a zombrex every morning. But there is something to do and besides this. Green has to chase trains, fight with mercenaries robbing the city, bring down helicopters and flirt with two girls at once-the beauty-journalist Rebecca and the head of the Society for the Control of the Rights of Zombie Staisi. Each task begins at a strictly defined time – in order not to miss it, you need to constantly look at the watches. Until the hour X has come, the hero is left to himself and can do anything. For example, by side tasks.
Do all of them. However, the ending of the game depends on the results of your activity. Options as much as five – one is more pessimistic than the other. Only one is considered true, but in order to open it, you will have to fuss.
In the vastness of Fortune, those who need help are enough – they need to be sought throughout the map and accompanied in the shelter. Perhaps in another game this could turn into routine, but in Dead Ring 2, every new acquaintance is a festival of the soul. One of the lost girls will demand that Chuck undress, as she does not want to run naked alone. The other cannot walk at all, because it works as a mermaid in the fountain. The trio of ladies of easy behavior will agree to the escort for only ten thousand dollars, and another beauty will refuse to leave without her husband. The guy in the knightly helmet hid at the farthest corner, where he cries sobbing. Each of the heroes manages to alienate something like that, to give out another ingenious phrase in their stupidity and find themselves in such a situation that it is more difficult to get into it than to get out of it.
There was a place for personalities in need of special “help” – namely, the speedy destruction. On these psychopaths, the invasion of the zombie had a too impressive effect, and they became socially dangerous. A motorcyclist from this cruel world seriously imagined that he was charged points for killing people. The crazy chef discovered a new ingredient for himself-a fresh man. Some pervert in a latex suit did not come up with anything better than force a girl to marry, threatening a pink saw ..
Each psychopath is unique, some even cause emotion, but most suggests a shock in the forehead. Fighting these personnel is much more difficult than with ordinary zombies, but more interesting.
A thousand on the fashionable
In his crusade, Chuck is armed with everything that he will see and be able to raise. Chairs, umbrellas, skateboards, banners, plush toys, pots with flowers, hangers, mannequins, paintings, baseball bits, golph, machete, grenades, rifles and much more are used. There will be no such object in Fortun that Chuck could not hit-even today's newspaper will fit, what can we say about fish fish!
Usually weapons are either slaughter or funny, but there are also copies that combine both qualities. Most often, they can be obtained using cards of combinations – drawings that are outstanding for special merits or upon receipt of new levels. Green at the disposal of workshops throughout Fortune. In them, he can create unique samples, such as bits with nails, a wheelchair under voltage, onions with dynamite instead of arrows or boxing gloves that are accumulated by knives. You can shove precious stones into a pneumatic machine and turn it into an analogue of a shotgun, and into a flashlight to integrate a diamond and make a laser sword on the envy of the Jedi and envy the Jedi.
Note: The weapon has a sad property to break, so you will have to re-collect it or look for something more powerful every time it will happen.
If suddenly there were no ingredients at hand – it does not matter, come in to the marauders; You can buy a ready -made product from them. Amoral thieves settled well, opened four benches and sell valuable property exorbitant prices. You can also get new drawings, and even keys to the vehicle.
Than to move around a rather big city in your two, it is better to saddle one of the sports bikes, a double compartment or even Hammer. Cars not only accelerate movement and save from random bites, but also crush the zombies. In extreme cases, there is an option for the most economical – a pink three -wheeled bike that can be hidden from a children's store.
Chuck himself can be dressed up in any attracted costume. You can turn it into a ninja or knight, put on a bathing suit in the borat style, put a baby pajamas, a tailcoat or women's shorts, a topic and slippers. And if at the same time, sowing his head from a raccoon or a panama … If Green knew what would be done with him, he would personally defeat all the stores, undermined Fortune and escaped to the next mainland.
For murders and completion of tasks, Chuck is accrued experience that allows you to grow up to the fiftieth level, to study special receptions (an excellent wrestler has died in a motorcyclist) and improve the characteristics. Strength, endurance, speed and other game will improve for you, but if you want to increase the parameters even more, carry glossy publications with you: magazines for the bosom bring solid pros.
In any place where Green will visit, you can borrow a drink (food and drinks restore health), interior items and various products. The doors are open everywhere. He will look into the park and a hotel, rush through the alleys, shopping centers, gambling establishments and clubs. In some places you can even check your luck: to fight with a one-armed bandit, go around a mechanical bull or play poker.
Quartet "Arena"
Final credits – not the end yet. The game can be started again, while preserving the hero level, all his achievements and acquisition. Of course, with all this wealth to keep up everywhere it will be much easier.
It will help to extend pleasure and network mode. It is named after the television show "This Cruel World" and offers players to take part in the bullying of the zombie under the sight of the television cameras. Nine types of competitions include shaking the brain with a zombie with a mixer, sending them to gigantic scales with blows of moose horns, execution of guns and sniper rifles and dressing in funny outfits. The dead people have to be processed into bloody “juice”, string on spears and pressing with huge steel balls in which the participants themselves are locked.
Each show consists of four such competitions. Three of them are chosen randomly, but the fourth is always the same – the race on motorcycles with chainsaws. Rounds last a minute for a minute, the amount of points scored during this time determines your starting position in the final race. Fun, fascinating, dynamically and also brings money that can be transferred to the account of Chuck in a single game, thereby facilitating his difficult life.
The impression only spoils the work of translators. “BowLinhomania”, for example, called a competition that has nothing to do with the bowling. Some tasks and dialogs have lost all humor or even meaning. But the worst of all, new errors in the code have appeared in the Russian version. For example, it cannot be spied on new weapons drawings on the posters of films – the game instantly flies out. We are waiting for a patch.
And there is nothing more in the game. The authors made every effort to make the coming of Dead Rising 2 to computers bright and memorable, but it was unlikely that they themselves expected such a stunning result. The project simply became a new standard of quality among the fan-gaming games for a pleasant pastime. Long live zombies!
Verdict: Unique game. Sparkling humor, dozens of ways to kill the enemy, an abundance of additional opportunities, charming characters, network battles – Dead Riding 2 explodes modern foundations.
- Zombies are slow, only until they learn living meat nearby. Do not linger on the spot, run and jump all the time, and if you want to look around, find the point higher where the zombies cannot climb. When falling from a great height, keep in mind that Chuck will be obscured for a while.
- Look into all secluded corners on the map. There you can find weapons, money, and even zombrex for your daughter and other suffering. Total caches with medicine here are four.
The first portion is hidden in the Ranch Casino behind the scene. There are a lot of rubbish, as well as several black boxes at the left wall; Go behind the curtain, climb into two boxes against the other wall, jump onto large playing bones, and already from there – to the necessary boxes.
The second portion lurked in the American Casino, in the eating of BBQ Shack. Climb up the stairs to the second floor, jump onto a square chandelier (there is still a dummy of the plane) and move under the ceiling until you find yourself on the platform over “one -armed bandits”.
The third nurse is located in the very center of the Yukatan casino (on the map it is marked with gray). There is a building of square blocks, along which it is quite easy to climb and pick up the prize with a machine gun.
The fourth packaging of the medicine is hidden underground – on the platform under the silver alley.
- It is advisable to give zombrex to everyone who needs it (the missing portions can be purchased). For generosity, they calculate a lot of experience, besides, this will affect the end of the game.
- Remember, the enemy does not sleep, even when you went to the toilet (you can only survive there) or look at the clock. The pause does not turn on.
- Use a mixer and mix drinks to improve their healing properties. But do not particularly lean on alcohol, if Chuck drinks, he will be bad and he will be then then. In addition, he will weaken and can hardly stand on his feet.
- Some zombies always go with a certain weapon. Builders – with saws and lanterns, police officers – with pistols, shotguns and rubber batons. Sound guns can be taken from the former military, sound guns, and rifles, grenades and other army equipment are stored in the ammunition boxes with ammunition.
- The only weapon of mass destruction in the game is small genetically modified wasps. If you crush one near a large accumulation of a zombie, kill everyone in one fell swoop.
- Fighting the psychos at the beginning of the game is a hyper, ungrateful business. Before contacting them, accumulate at least a dozen levels.
- After saving someone survived immediately, supply him with firearms. The rescued will remain with you until you get to the shelter, and will help in clearing the path, and possibly in the implementation of other tasks.
- Try not to hurt your partner with blows or shots. He can be offended and run away (and it will not be possible to return it), or even start shooting.
- Another trouble associated with rescue operations is the idiocy of saved. Having handed them a weapon, stay away – the survivors can shoot the entire clip in Chuck if there is a zombie behind him. They have problems with orientation on the ground, so look around and check if the blanch is stuck in the doorway.
- The arrow indicating the path is not always adequate. She never demonstrates a short route, choosing the longest and most dangerous. More often check with the card and check the electronic assistant for deceit.
- A problem that you can often encounter at first is a lack of money. It is solved in two ways: the defeat of the casino and participation in network battles.
- Perform all tasks, regardless of their number. Checked: you can have time, the main thing is to correctly distribute the time and choose the right route. Otherwise, the ending will not be the most optimistic; It is easy to guess, for example, what will happen to Katie if it is left without zombrex.
- Strip-poker, blackjack and machine guns bring not only money, but experience, achievement and some things. For example, having beaten the fat man in the holder, you will leave him without clothes and can take it to yourself.
- Katie is the only daughter Chuck, and she needs to be pampering sometimes. Bring your child toys from stores – earn additional glasses.
Salvation of drowning
Not all survivors that need to be evacuated, appear in tasks. Some will have to look for yourself, and this needs remarkable attentiveness and extra time. The latter is especially tight, so we decided to facilitate your task, indicating the names and location of the unfortunate.
- Deniz hiding from looters in a pharmacy during the first campaign behind zombrex. It is impossible to miss it with all the desire.
- Lashandra Fights away from the zombie at the exit from the shelter during chapter 1-1. The black woman climbed onto the bar, it is difficult not to notice her.
- Gordon – Lashandra's cowardly husband. While the wife fights with the dead, he hides in the women's store to the right of the shelter. Until you talk to Lashandra, the guy will not take a step.
- Lenny – The guy who Ted was going to feed Snowflake. He will run away at the sight of Chuck, you can find him only by winning or taming the tigress. Lenny is hiding in the manager's room in the southern wing of the Yukatan casino.
- Erica, Bessie and Rose went shopping during chapter 3-1. Zombies do not bother them, shopping is all. Particularly expensive things from the boutique on the second floor "Square Royal-Flash", which is located next to the sports store.
- Janus Throughout the third chapter stands near the Atlantic casino. He does not agree to take weapons and promises a solid jackpot for his salvation. Indeed, seventy thousand is a lot.
- Jessica, Jacob and Nevada – avid players in poker. They sit in a small room in the western part of the Atlantic casino during the fourth chapter. To accompany them to the shelter, you need to have at least one hundred thousand dollars with you and beat the trinity in poker.
- Rei hiding from a crazy sheriff Seymour. After the battle, it can be found in the construction on the left, where he unsuccessfully fits away from the zombie.
- Michael and Matthew – A couple of soldiers from a rescue detachment. They can be found during the sixth chapter in the very center of Fortune Park near a broken SUV. Before approaching, Chuck should throw all firearms on the floor.
Psychopaths ..
Not only zombies settled in Fortun, but also crazy, in pleasure or on the advice of an invisible friend, killing people. They are very strong and dangerous, to overcome them the first time – a serious test. For each you need to choose a special tactic.
Leon Bell
The racer in a green suit seriously believes that the show continues, only his targets are now not a zombie, but living people. To jar, Leon gives Green the keys to the motorcycle standing near the arena.
Pursue the guy to Fortune Park, where he will begin to circle around two layers of mountains. His weapon is a chainsaw on the sides of the bike, yours – cunning and strength. First, try to crash into it several times, but if the number does not pass, get off, take firearms and shoot at the approaching Leon. At the moment when he drives up too close and the saw will be tossed, the psychopath will definitely stop to enjoy the triumph. This can be used and piled on him with something heavy on the head. You can improve health if you climb over the fence or climb to a height – Leon will not stick out there with all the desire.
There is another way to defeat the racer – you can use the errors in the code. Stand opposite the fence or fence, wait for the enemy and quickly jump to the side – it crashes and will still continue to crush the gas pedal. Of course, the exit to the platform nine and three quarters will not open, and Leon can be beaten with impunity.
Brandon Whittaker
Activist of the Movement for the Control of the Rights of the Zombie deified Chuck for direct participation in the invasion and is going to turn all the survivors into the zombies of all, biting them – the guy and he half turned. One loser is already sitting in the booth of the toilet, another one waits for his hour on the dirty floor.
Brandon very cleverly treats glass fragment. He attacks in two ways: conducts three slow, but strong blows, or makes a big swing and hits with such force that the Chuck falls on the floor (as you see his hand rising up – bouncark). In addition, a madman loves to take overclock and fly on Green, as well as hide in toilet booths and suddenly jump out. Having received enough damage, he runs to lick wounds there.
It is not worth pursuing him, better wait for Brandon at the front door – sooner or later he will appear. If you psycho take the run, approach the Pussuar and jump sharply when the enemy approaches.
Attack from the back, there is a chance that the fighter for the rights of the zombie will not get out of the "trap" – like Leon, he has problems with the orientation on the ground. If the miracle does not happen, be patient, banks of juice and impudence – Brandon can be beaten and open.
The best weapons against him is a bit with nails.
Antoine Thomas
A crazy Italian works as a chef in one of the restaurants of Fortune. True, the boss, it seems, is from humanity, and he himself is extremely aggressively and almost immediately attacks Chuck.
Antoine has two main attacks – strokes with a frying pan and the launch of this very frying pan Green in the forehead. He can also start throwing plates or jumping on a chuck from above and start feeding him with disgusting food. Having received damage, the cook runs to replenish strength – or rather, there is. Products are stored in the kitchen and on tables outside.
The easiest way to defeat the psychopath using a machine gun. Shoot at those moments when he runs to you or when he turns his back and rushes to the chicken and pork. If Antoine is covered with a frying pan, it is useless to beat and fade. To evade his frying pan-lumber, it is enough to either quickly move or stand around the corner. The same applies to flying saucers.
If there are no firearms at hand, take a bat or a fork lying in a neighboring institution. Then you need to act according to a different scheme: first hit, then hide, wait until Antoine runs to fill the stomach, attack behind, hide again – and so on before the victory.
The classic version of insanity – the actor too got used to the role of a television character. In the invasion, he, like many others, blames Chuck, the TV cannot lie! A guy with a doll head is very angry and takes in a couple of homemade flamethrowers. He literally intends to incinerate Chuck with his hatred.
Slappy has one weak place – roller skates. He rides excellently, but falls, having received a kick in the chest. Stand up from the very beginning in his way, jump and fry. Having lost his balance, the actor will fall, and he can be thought out. Best with a bat or something no less powerful.
Soon, the slappy will come to his senses, get up, unwind and begin to water everything around him with fire, so quickly run away. As soon as the fireworks end, run back and repeat the actions in the same sequence. Everything about everything should not go more than a minute.
Bibi Love
The elderly diva has long been preparing to return to the stage and for the last concert at the same time. The show was to become bright and unforgettable. Alas, Fortune was filled with zombies, and there is no one to look at Bibi. Without thinking twice, she took three people hostage, including the assistant, she mined them, herself and … and then Chuck appeared.
Having taken him for a new assistant, Bibi begins to command. At first she needs to give a refreshing drink-look for it on the floor or pull something from the bar. Then Green needs to change into “normal clothing”, from the point of view of the actress-this is exclusively a tailcoat from the store on “Royal-Flash Square” (it is called Modern Businessman and is located next to the exit from the casino). Then the fans should be announced that the prima is ready. For lack of those, the zombies that can be lured to the fireworks (it is stored behind the scenes). After that, pull the lever next to the curtain. A mini-game will begin-the lady will dashing the lady while you need to click on the necessary keys. Nothing complicated, but if you fail or try to attack Bibi, it is self -destroyed with all the hostages. If you win, you will save both the Trinity of the captives and the Madonna itself, extremely satisfied with the success of the show.
Randy Tagman
Crazy virgin, fan of pornography and adherent of the latex costume of Porosenka, Randy took advantage of the invasion to search for his second half. And not feeble – one of the girls still agreed to become his bride. True, under the threat of bending a huge pink chainsaw.
A vile fat man is one of the most serious opponents. The wedding hall is small, cluttered and almost not suitable for maneuvers. Therefore, it is better to go ahead, armed with a laser sword. Take a three or four package of juice or cream with you and try to beat when Randy stops and begins to shake with its dignity (apparently, demonstrating Chuck, who is a real alpha male in this city).
It is quite easy to avoid lunges – it is enough to jump over the fences between the benches and the aisles. The only nuance: the guy will not calm down until at least once he gets along the Green, so you have to succumb to the name of good goals several times. One blow takes a lot of health, so the provisions will leave very quickly. In extreme cases, in the corner at the entrance and near the bride there are still supplies.
Karl Schliff
The most touching, pleasant and sentimental of psychopaths, Karl works as a postman. Zombrex was supposed to arrive for Chuck, but when the patriot saw the enemy of the people from the TV in it, bombs were used.
They and the shotgun are the main weapon of Karl, so keeping the distance is a dead number, sooner or later you will die under bullets or from explosions. It is best to join the close battle: neither mined newspapers nor double -barreled men will help the postman. You can beat anything, if only the weapon was more heavier. When Karl strokes in response, Chuck will fall, and the psychopath will run away and throw a bomb as a sign of friendship, so you have to quickly rise and hide. Otherwise, the battle is quite simple: do not stand still, rush to the hand -to -hand, and everything will be fine.
Theodore and snowflake
Ted is a half -hearted and inhibited trainer of tigers, which gives representations in the Yukatan casino. Since the invasion began, Theodore feeds pets with exclusively fresh meat, that is, both zombies and people. As soon as you enter the casino, the man will cut down Chuck and try to feed the snowflake. The hero will come to his senses in time, offer himself a clipping in return and will accidentally drop the word “slowly”, which Theodore hates. Then the battle will begin.
In the chapter "Councils" we mentioned the cache with the zombrece, which is located in the middle of the institution on the platform from above. A machine gun is also lying there, which is better to run away immediately. Take it and immediately open the fire. Thirty-sown bullets is enough to lay the theodore. Do not touch the snowflake – it will come in handy.
When the trainer dies, the tigress will want to devour Chuck. It's time to feed it with meat lying in the place where Green fled just a minute ago. If you climb onto the scenery, you can find three steaks. This is enough snowflake to recognize the new owner in the motorcyclist. The cat is strong and hardy, so do not rush to send it to the shelter, but rather do several missions together.
Reed and Roger
A pair of unsuccessful magicians – a find for suicides: their tricks Roger and Reed are working on living people, not too worried about their preservation.
Roger – small, nimble, armed with two magic swords. He is very fast, and the best method in the fight against him is a long -range weapon. It should be either a rifle, or a machine gun, or a onion with dynamite instead of arrows. The latter is the most effective: six to seven shots will dump Roger from the feet, and the matter will remain behind Rida.
The leader of the duet, the broad -shouldered curly blond, similar to the bomb, is armed with a rocket launcher shooting firecrackers. Some volleys deprive the Chuck of Health, others blind and knock out weapons from their hands. It is better to go hand -to -hand and beat with a laser sword or a good old bat with nails. If there is very little health, hide behind the machine guns: Reed is too slow and does not know how to run, so there are precious minutes. The main thing is not to get a zombie – there are a lot of them in the casino.
Seymour Redding
Sheriff, after the invasion of the Zombie imagined himself as the ruler of the city, arranged demonstrative hangs at the Fortune hotel and is ready to kill everyone who will consider it dangerous to others.
Seymour is a happy owner of an impressive and very powerful Colt. The second weapon of the lynchiser – Lasso, with which he can twist Green, pull him to himself and begin to beat him. It is easy to get out (another mini-game), and it is even useful to reduce the distance-in close combat the sheriff has nothing to contrast with powerful strikes by a motorcyclist. And this is your trump card: beat everyone that comes to hand, and soon the duel will end.
The four American patriots-coneers settled on the roofs of different buildings and kills everything that moves. They rightfully believe that it was people who led the country to decline, and first of all they shoot at them. Such sports interest interferes with moving, so it is better to engage in extermination of hunters at once.
You can determine their location in the direction of shots. If a zombie just crashed in front of you, then one of the quartet has settled nearby. You can fight him either by means of a sniper rifle, which will not affect Chuck's health too well, or climbing it on the roof. The second option is more effective, because the warriors pose a danger only with firearms in their hands, and in close combat they grab onto the knives, which they do not really know how to handle.
… and bosses
In addition to ordinary psychopaths, Chuck Green is also opposed by dangerous bosses, especially often found in the end of the game (literally in every chapter). They are stronger than crazy, and more cunning, since most of them have retained their minds.
Crystal and Amber are rare beauties, faithful assistants to Ti-Kay, leading the "cruel world". They are devoted to their black friend and his work, no matter how evil and vile it may be. And when girls with lesbian inclinations are captured by Rebecca, Chuck is in a hurry to help.
A fight with two angry tigresses is a difficult matter, but you don’t need to kill both, enough for one. Select the target and attack only it, avoiding the attacks of another young lady (to avoid, jump onto the table or jump over the fence).
It is better to take a battle with a fiery gun (a combination of a water pistol and fuel) and something weighty, like a steel blade, a laser sword and batons. Dexterous girls in any case will hit the Green several times, but if you have not stocked up with medicines – not a problem, there is enough drinking around around.
Having finished one of the twins, you will complete the duel and free Rebecca.
“Helicopter” is not a character nickname, it is a suction military turntable, on which Ti-Kay will get away to fly away with looted money. Your goal is to stop it and interrogate it.
The resourceful Chuck will fit a helicopter to the winch from the crane, so the "bird" will not fly away. While she is in an suspended state, throw everything that comes to hand at the screw – lamps, weapons, best boxes. Then, as soon as the helicopter rises, the Ti-Kay partner will try to shoot Green from the machine gun. This attempt is doomed to failure – twist the winch as this action will become affordable. Then break the screw again, and so on until the turntable does not collapse. To win without health costs, hide behind the boxes a second before the helicopter rises into the air – then the shooter will not have time to open fire.
Sergeant Dwight Boykin
After the defeat of the soldiers and the failure of the evacuation, Sergeant Boykin went crazy. He took refuge in the basement, took Rebecca hostage, believing her zombies, and shoots off from the walking dead, communicating with the corpses of the brothers in arms.
The only true way to ditch the sergeant is to shoot two hundred and fifty, or even three hundred cartridges from a machine gun. It’s better not to come close to him – a powerful uppercott will instantly send Chuck to a knockdown. Yes, and the distance must be observed carefully: Boykin is armed with automatic and grenades, which he throws every few seconds. An ideal strategy – to hide behind a pillar from the place where Green entered, pick up lemons, send them to the opposite address and shoot, shoot, shoot! The sergeant is hardy, but not immortal.
Sullivan is the most severe enemy in Fortune. Fighting with him will be on the roof of the casino, where the zombie is full. The man climbed to build in the middle of the site and is waiting for the plane that should pick him up. From there he shoots and throws signal lights, focusing on which the plane bombers.
Do not go up to the enemy – it is useless, he will still throw the chuck down, and he will suffer not only from the blow, but also from the fall. It is best to hide behind a hedge at the entrance, carefully kill the zombies living nearby and wait for the "signal" from Sullivan. They need to be immediately grabbed and thrown back so that the bomber beat the boss. Ten to twelve missiles-and the traitor will die.
The problem is that for such tactics a fair amount of dexterity is needed. If you can’t cope, arm yourself with two machine guns, two hundred rounds in each, hide behind the same hedge, stick out a little from the corner and shoot. Sullivan withstands about three hundred and fifty hits, after which he finally dies.
Tyrone King (T-Kay)
The last battle is available in “overtime” mode only if you received admission to the “correct” ending. To do this, you need to complete all the main tasks, most secondary ones, and most importantly, give Ti-Kyu Zombrex when he will need it.
The battle with the host of the “this cruel world” takes place under the dome of the “Arena”, and the Chuck is unarmed, while the psychic black man dubes it with a microphone-bulad, and shoots if necessary. In addition, Steisi and Katie are suspended on a rope, which every second sinks lower and lower to the hungry zombies.
Run to a platform with fireworks, raise the boxes one at a time, throw them to the floor, choose weapons and food. You probably have to definitely probably be one circle, since it is impossible to stop at the same time – the fireworks are all the time turned on. When you feel that you are ready for battle (two packets of juice and three items to give the enemy a hat), come back.
Let Ti-Kay be knocked down a couple of times, then play in a familiar mini-game to press the keys, confident from the blows and drop it. At such moments, the boss is especially vulnerable and does not resist. Having received enough damage, he is hidden in an unknown direction to return in a minute. During this time, you can heal or raise your girls higher.
As soon as you acquire a weapon and can lick the wounds, the battle will go very quickly, and Ti-Kay will seem weak. Release it and watch the final video-the game is passed!
The best combinations
Fifty -four combinations of weapons were gained in Dead Riding 2. Here is a list of the best of them.
- Battle with spikes (bit + nails). The first and one of the most valuable acquisitions. Powerful weapons, even against bosses are suitable.
- Stones (precious stones + pneumomine). Strong rifle gun. Parges with shot, one shot kills ordinary and infected zombies.
- Ripper (drank on concrete + saw canvas). The blades of this unit are torn by zombies into pieces and cause good damage to psychopaths.
- Light gloves (boxing gloves + motor oil). Spectacular weapon is suitable for fighting off a large crowd.
- CHINKER (robot mask + lawn mower). The mask of a silly robot with a propeller on the head very quickly clears the road. The perfect way to safely bring survivors to asylum.
- Freddy gloves (Tesac + boxing gloves). Another variation on the topic of gloves, another great way to end the crowd.
- Destroyer (sledgehammer + fire ax). One of the most powerful types of near -battle weapons, the whole potential of which is revealed during an alternative attack – Chuck is spinning, kills everyone with one blow, and each death brings three hundred and fifty experience points.
- Grenade launcher (fireworks-racket + pipe). Powerful firearms, best suited for battle with hunters.
- Laser sword (precious stones + lantern). The most powerful weapon of close combat, a wonderful choice for fights with bosses.
- Dynastrost (onion + dynamite). A onion shooting dynamite is a powerful thing in any situation. It is best to use against hunters and magicians of Reed and Roger.
This cruel world
The multi -user mode of Dead Rising 2 is the most funny of all we see. You will not be offered to mock the zombie four more in any game, participating in an entertainment show and earning dozens and even hundreds of thousands of dollars, which can be transferred to the main character in a single game.
Network battles have only two problems. Firstly, you cannot choose a game mode-they are given by the game itself randomly.
The second shortcoming is Games for Windows Live, and this is a global problem. Microsoft has not yet launched it in the CIS countries, and if you indicated your real address when registering, you will most likely not be able to use it.
Fortunately, not so long ago, the Windows Live ID service appeared on the Web, where you can create a single account for entering all Microsoft resources. Register there, then use a new account for registration in Live, but do not go through a regular site (www.Microsoft.COM/Games) And through the English version of what is intended for Xbox 360 (www.Xbox.com/en -us/live)-there is no troubles with the choice of the country.
Squirrel in the wheel
Most often, it is this mode that opens the competition. Players are in round cells in which you can ride in the arena and bring down zombies. For each collision, glasses are charged, which can be added to your piggy bank, hitting one of the pillars (there are more than enough). The difficulty is that only a player who has the right to do so. You can get it in two ways: pull the lots at the very beginning (the game itself chooses the lucky one) or crash into the one who has it at the moment.
To select priority, you need to predict opponents. Do not chase them on your heels – work ahead, cut the road. And don't even think to cooperate with someone, this idea is doomed to failure in advance, here everyone is for himself.
Having received the right to harvest, hit the pillars as often as possible. It is advisable to move from one pillar to another, using acceleration (the left mouse key), but at the same time constantly change the route – otherwise you will become a light target for opponents. If you notice the obsessive “tail”, which is about to be nearby, go aside and roll along the semicircular walls of the arena ..
In this mode, you have to crush the zombie … juice. Participants are planted on a mixture of clamps and tractors, locked in a small quadrangular arena, placed in the corners and launched in the middle of the living dead. The blades at the bottom of your unit are constantly working, so it is enough to bring down the unfortunate zombie to process it. The resulting mixture of meat and bones must be poured into the mouth of one of the four figures in the corners.
The mistake that most players make is from the very first seconds to rush into the center, where there is more zombies. The problem is that if at least two of the four participants think so, a traffic jam is formed, where it is impossible to either pass or collect material. From the very beginning go sideways, there is enough raw materials.
Pouring blood in the storage is not easy. Firstly, only two figures open the grazes at the same time, and it is not always immediately visible which. Secondly, especially arrogant players decide that you are bored just to stand still, and try to knock you down, taking a place under the sun. It doesn’t even occur to many that you can just stand nearby – the glasses will still be charged.
Players stand on platforms opposite the square block with doors. Each has a gun shooting with multi -colored balls. The buildings doors periodically open, and zombies are hidden behind them. The task is to knock down as many walking corpses as possible.
First of all, you need to aim in the "prize" zombies (they have a pink ball over their heads). For shots for them you will receive one of three prizes: additional glasses, for a few seconds of the balls constantly flying out of the gun and a chance to attack the opponents, creating a “crush” to one of the opponents (in fact, it means a refusal of equipment, why the localizers decided to name it just that way – mystery). To get rid of the "crush", you need to play in the next mini-game.
There is no specific victory recipe, BowLingomania is designed for attentiveness. A good reaction and accuracy is what will help you win. And try not to focus on one sector of the building, but to look at all of it at once – so you have more chances to notice the announced pink zombie.
Pound of clippings
A https://sister-site.org/candyland-casino/ fairly funny mode in which each player is supplied with a separate platform, deer horns on his head and their own zombies, which must be thrown into the scales. Glasses are given by weight that you will transfer from one site to another, so the calculation here goes either to quantity or to quality. Either on both one and another – it all depends on your skills.
To defeat for sure, try to take overclock every time before you wave your horns – then the zombies will fly straight, and not to the side, and with one hundred percent probability will come to the address. Aiming exclusively in fat people – an ungrateful lesson, try to hook with horns at once. And don't stand still for a long time. And the timer is ticking, and the dead man around you is not averse to dine.
Four players armed with sniper rifles are on separate platforms in different corners of the square arena. From the four gates to the center of the site (where the huge meat cutting) is a zombie run.
It is worth shooting at everyone in a row, giving, however, the preference of the "prize" zombies – they bring additional points. In addition, a moving target is suspended to a meat grinder – if you get into it, then competitors' platforms will be closed with metal barriers.
Surprisingly, you should not shoot at the target. Pull the sight on the gate where the zombies run out of and open the fire. Try to kill them before they get to the arena.
Когда один из противников попадет в мишень и барьеры закроют вашу площадку, сдвиньтесь немного вправо или влево и найдите просвет. You can also shoot through it while the rest are standing, waiting for the weather by the sea (for some reason, few people know that the barriers are not solid). Moreover, while opponents are trying to attack each other and spend time, you still continue to earn points.
The most cruel way to get rid of unfortunate zombies is to put on their heads and turn on. The main task is to collect as many corpses with mixers as possible and only then activate them, hitting a large red button; Each new victim increases the number of points.
Mixers can be taken from a stall in the middle of the arena. Usually four, but once every two approaches, a dynamite appears instead of one of them. If you want, you can put it in your mouth and tear it, but it is better to throw it into enemy territory-the explosion knocks off the hats from the zombie, and the enemies have to start from scratch. Most importantly, do not fall under the bombing yourself, and if you notice the projectile, select it and throw it back.
Zombie comedy
In the original, the name, of course, sounds better (zoMedy – “zoMedia”), but the meaning of this does not change. At this stage of the competition, you need to run up to the zombie and decorate them into funny outfits: put a ballet pack, pierce a toy horse on a pole and put a pot of flower on your head. The more people you bring to the world of high fashion, the more points you earn.
The problem is that all three wardrobe items are in different stalls. Do not try to completely wear more than five or six zombies-you will never succeed due to the intervention of rivals: they can cling to your “models”, and the game encourages this. Adhere to the next tactics: first put on a few of your “models”, and then focus on interfering with enemies.
Master collector
All players are given tournament spears, and this is where the resemblance to the knightly fight ends. A second after the beginning, targets appear on the floor, which gradually decrease in size. Zombies fly down in their direction. To type glasses, you need to plant the decoys on the tip of the peaks.
Targets at the same time appear no more than two. Having run up to one of them and meeting the enemy there, press the left mouse button-a mini-game will begin, in which you need to press the keys indicated on the screen as soon as possible. Anyone who copes the best, will automatically push the opponents and get glasses.
Points are awarded depending on the number of rivals: if there was no resistance at all, you will get a thousand points, if you fought with one enemy – two thousand, with two – three, with three – four – four.
Motor cutting
The final stage of each of the competitions, it also appears at the beginning of the campaign. Big Arena, cunning zombies, four motorcyclists in sports stories with screwed chainsaws and meat, meat, meat, meat!
Depending on how many points you scored after three “tests”, the game will determine your place in the race. The first player starts immediately, the second-after three to four seconds, the third-after five to six seconds, the fourth-after seven to nine seconds. But the beginning of the race, which is more like a warm -up, how much its middle is not so important, when the “prize” zombies with pink balls over the heads appear in the arena. At this point, there are many dead dead, so even with a sharp attack of pacifism, it will not be possible to ride without casualties.
To win, you will need the ability to choose the right route and slow down in time. It is worth starting to stop somewhere in the middle of the arena, while turning the steering wheel to the left or right to turn around and rush into battle again. It is necessary to cut mainly those that bring additional glasses – this is very profitable. It is advisable to get into several groups at the same time, but you can simply lay the corridors from ordinary zombies before crashing into the "prize".